As a guitarist it's very natural to own alot of guitars and guitar related gear. This page is me just showcasing all what I use.
Guitar Amps
Effect Pedals
Some amazing guitars of mine.

From left to right. Gibson Epiphone Acoustic, Jackson Kelly KE-3, Jackson RR-3, Ibanez active bass, Squier Strat, ESP LTD EX-360

Better quality picture of Jackson's

From top to down: Williams Stratocaster, Reno Stratocaster, Squier Strat, Squier Stratocaster and Gibson Epiphone Acoustic.

Telecaster Obey Probaganda
 Jackson RR was my first guitar with Floyd Rose Tremolo.
 ESP LTD KH-202. Did alot of recordings with that one too.

I'm using Fender and Jackson soft Gigbags.